Tuesday, December 18, 2012

10 Months

Our little guy is 10 months old.  Some of his milestones:

 - Has a total of 6 teeth (2 bottom, and 4 top are coming in)

 - Started waving and saying "bye-bye"

 - Signs "all done" (it's more of a wave but we know what he means) :)

- Eating three meals a day.  He likes food for the most part but is a little pickier that William was.  He'll eat almost any fruit or vegetable that I put in front of him but he has not been impressed with anything dairy (cheese or yogurt) or meat. 

 - Can stand for a couple of seconds on his own.

 - Now that his teeth have come in sleeping is getting better. Most nights he is up once a night with two naps during the day.

Can't believe will be celebrating this guy's first birthday in about a month and a half! 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

9 Months

Our little man is 9 months which means in 3 short months he will be ONE YEAR!  How did that happen?  He is a constant ray of sunshine in our lives.  I love that he always has a smile for me, he thinks his brother is the most hilarious person around, he is so easy going (I came into the living room one day to William pinning him down on the ground under his Captain America shield and Logan just looking at his brother smiling), and is just an all around good little baby.

Some recent milestones:

- Perhaps the most exciting is that you'll notice from the picture that Logan's hair now lays down instead of sticking straight up.  It literally happened overnight.  I must say, I will kind of miss his Don King hair.

 - He is eating solids 3 times a day.  Some the foods he has tried: avocado, sweet potatoes, carrots, pears, apples, bananas, green beans, butternut squash, turkey, pumpkin, blueberries, spinach, and peas.  We had a slow start with the solids but he is catching on and turning into a pretty good eater.  The only food he has been totally disgusted by is avocado (which William LOVED as a baby and still loves).  Kinda bummed by that one.

 - He is crawling everywhere and is really fast.  I turned my back on him for one second the other day and when I turned back around he was halfway down the hallway!  He pulls himself up and will now let go and only hold on with one hand.  He has stood for a few seconds on his own a couple of times.  I fear walking is just around the corner for this one!

 - He is at two naps a day, morning and afternoon.  Nighttime sleep is getting better.  He is now only waking up once a night to eat.  Would love to have him sleeping through by a year but we'll see!

Love this little guy!


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

8 Months

Logan was 8 months old a couple of weeks ago.  October has been a busy month of Grandparents visiting, pumpkin patch going, and a trip to Merrill, Or. to see Ricky's family, a new baby cousin, and to go to the annual Potato Festival (where William and Logan as well as cousins Audrey and Charlie were in the Potato Festival Parade - pics to follow).  I just have not had a chance to post.  I have also been working on both Logan and William's Halloween costumes (hint: both will be Superheros) which I am almost done with (pics to follow as well!).  I have found that projects take a lot longer to complete with the constant interruption of two active little ones!

Onto our little 8 month old.  Logan is VERY active and mobile.  Ricky and I are a little concerned because we thought we had our hands full with his big brother.  Little Lo Lo can get around and he might just give his brother a run for his money.  At 8 months, he is crawling, pulling himself up on everything, has two teeth, is eating solids, and is babbling.  He is such a fun little guy to be around and has a smile for everyone.  He has started with the separation anxiety which I never really experienced with William.  Logan does not really want to be held by anyone but his Mama.  :)  It is most of the time endearing but there are times when even Mommy needs a break and it's a little embarrassing when someone wants to hold him and he cries (especially when it's a close friend or family member!).  We've also noticed that Logan does not seem to be a fan of crowds.  When there is a room with lots of noise and people, he seems to get stressed.  While William is pretty outgoing, maybe Logan will be a little more on the shy side?   It will be fun to see how his personality develops the older he gets.  He is down to two good naps a day but night sleep is still a little rough (up at least 2 times a night still to eat, sometimes more but I think that might have to do with some teething issues).  I think we'll be working on that within the next couple of months.  :)

I just can't believe how fast the last 8 months have gone and in about 4 short months, we will have a one year old!  Slow down time!

Monday, September 10, 2012

7 Months

Can this be right?  Seven months already?  I need to remind myself daily that, even in the business of the day, I need to take it all in because it is going by way. too. fast.  I know that way too soon instead of  hoping that my babies will sleep through the night and not wake up at the crack of dawn, I will be ordering my teenage sons to get out of bed and start their day before noon.  I need to savor the moments of William running around the house in his superhero costumes and Logan giggling in aproval, a yearning to join him in his little 7 month old eyes.  I just need to remember to take it all in and enjoy the moment, even in my exhaustion.  :)

So, onto Logan.  A lot has happened for him in a month.  Month 6 was a rough one for Mom and Dad because little sleep was had due to a little boy who decided to go through a heap load of developmental milestones.  At 7 months Logan:

 - Has his 2 bottom teeth
 - Is crawling (and is on the go all.the.time)
 - Can get himself from laying to sitting
 - Is starting to drop his 3rd nap (just sticking this in, in case there are other littles that come along and I   need to remember when this happened).  :)
 - Always has a smile for you.  Still a very content, happy baby.

We love our little Lo Lo! He is such a wonderful addition to our family.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Life Lessons from a 3 Year Old

I haven't posted much about William lately, so I wanted to include a little conversation we had today.  He has been saying some funny things lately and seems so grown up.  Where did my little baby go?

W - What's wrong Mommy?
M - Mommy's just a little tired because Logan is getting teeth & not sleeping well.
W - Oh, well just calm down and don't worry about it.

I love a 3 year olds fix to the problem.  If only everything were that easy William.  :)