Our little guy is 6 months old! It really has flown by and he has changed so much! We had his 6 month check up the other day and the Pediatrician said that he is doing wonderful and is even performing above and beyond what she would expect for his age! :) She said he is tall and skinny so we are still having to stick with one middle of the night feeding for the extra calories (no sleeping through the night yet!). I actually don't mind that feeding. It is Mama and William's little quiet time together.
William is sitting up all by himself now and loves to hold objects with both hands, passing them back and forth. He can't get to a sitting position on his own quite yet but will sit if you put him like that. He reaches for EVERYTHING and is extremely curious. His favorite objects are the remote control and my cell phone (who needs expensive toys?). William is very active and is always moving. Ricky and I are going to have our hands full when he is mobile and I think we need to start the baby proofing now! When you put him on the ground on his back he will either roll around or do, what we call, his Pilates. It is like he is doing a crunchie but it is just him trying hard to sit up. The child is going to have abs of steel before he turns a year old!
We just started rice cereal, which he is enjoying, and are going to start actual foods in the upcoming weeks. I think we will start with avocados and bananas. Every stage is bittersweet. It is fun to see him get older and experience new things but it also means he is getting that much closer to being a toddler and not a little baby anymore. However, watching him become a little person is so much fun and we treasure every day we have with him.