Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Baby #2...An Update

I realized recently that I have not been posting much about Baby #2 and thought I should write an update on how things are going. Mommy and baby are healthy and growing just how they are supposed to (my doctor gives me a weight update at each appointment...lovely). I am measuring right at the point I am supposed to be at which I am very happy about. With William, I always measured a little small so I am glad this baby is right on track. He or she is extremely active and moves around more than I remember William moving. My hopes for a mellow second may not be realized but on the other hand it is nice to feel baby everyday to give me peace of mind that he or she is still in there. I am also starting to feel some contractions which I don't remember feeling this early on with William. The doctor said this is normal with a second pregnancy but they sure do hurt! Gives you a little reminder of what labor is like and what I have to look forward to. :) All in all, we are doing well and looking forward to meeting the newest member of the Newton family!

23 weeks

33 weeks
Baby #2!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Snow Day

We had our first real snowfall last night and woke up to a beautiful blanket of white this morning. The snow gets old around March but I love having it this time of year! Makes me want to break out the Christmas music even though I promised myself I would wait until after Thanksgiving. :) Since we were pretty much homebound this morning I thought I would bundle William up and let him play outside in the snow. After about 20 minutes of getting him dressed and feeling a bit like the Mom on "A Christmas Story" ("I can't put my arms down!") William was ready to go play in the snow. He loved crunching around out there and I was able to get some fun pics of our first snowfall of the season.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Baby Charlie as a Dragon

Our little 50's pair ready to trick or treat!

Enjoying the fruits of his labor.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Nate & Maleea Get Hitched

Some good friends of ours were married this past weekend and they had asked William to be their ring bearer. I was a little nervous at what to expect because you never know what to expect when your're dealing with a 2 year old plus the wedding was right during naptime which meant no nap that day. However, he did great (minus one little outburst right when the ceremony started because I wouldn't let him play with the tree that was RIGHT next to the alter, a rock thrown at one of the speakers, and some berries thrown into the middle of the crowd, plus a little help from some fishie crackers)! He walked those rings down the aisle and delivered them like a champ. He was also the cutest ring bearer I've ever seen. :) It was a beautiful wedding and a gorgeous Autumn day. Congratulations to Nate and Maleea!

Our little ring bearer!

The decor was so simple and sweet. Loved it!

With Daddy before the ceremony. Trying to keep William from getting dirty before walking down the aisle. :)

Taking it all in...

With the groom before his walk down the aisle.

Mentally preparing himself.

Such a cute sign!

The bride and groom's dog carried the flower petals for the flower girls to throw. Best behaved dog ever!

Almost time!

Walking down the aisle.

Here comes the bride!

My family. :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's a....

baby! :) Yesterday we went in for our 20 week ultrasound (I am techinically 19 weeks this week). It went well and the tech said that everything looked normal. He was very thorough and I felt like I as getting an anatomy lesson through the entire procedure. It was very interesting and it is a relief to know that the baby is growing normally and healthy. William came with and was interested for about half a second and then spent the rest of the time trying to get onto the bed with me or asking for more "nacks." I don't think he completely understands what is going to occur in his world in the next few months. :)

We decided to not find out the gender as we did with William. Ricky has always been adament that he does not want to know but I was on the fence with this pregnancy. The planner in me wanted to know but in the end I decided that I really enjoyed the surprise last time and I think it makes it more exciting (a little extra incentive to get through labor, right?). So we are all just going to have to wait another 4 1/2 months to find out who this little one is. I would love to hear what everyone thinks. Most everyone I know who is due around the same time I am is having a boy. Any guesses?

This pregnancy has been so different from my last one. More nausea, achiness, mood swings (my poor family), exhaustion, and hunger. All things I did not feel with William. I've heard people say that every pregnancy is different so I guess this is normal. It is a wonderful and amazing thing to be growing a life but this whole thing definately is not glamerous! I am starting to feel little kicks now which is my favorite part.

I apologize for the lack of pictures in this post. I know that it makes it a little less interesting. We don't have a scanner or access to one so I can't post any of the ultrasound pics. You'll just have to take my word for it that it is a baby and has all of it's appropriate parts. :)

Thank you all for your prayers and support. I will try to keep everyone updated with blog posts as often as I can. Right now I am going to try to squeeze in a nap before my little 2 year old bundle of energy decides to wake up. Oh, I think it is too late...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Here we go again!

Most of you already know but William is going to be a big brother! Baby Newton #2 is due early February of 2012. I am 15 weeks today and we are all very excited to welcome the new addition to our family.

Monday, July 25, 2011

William's 2nd Birthday

First, I want to apologize for being a little behind on my posting. Our summer has been crazy so far. Between Ricky's music schedule, sickness, and business trips, we have not had much time together and my down time has been spent catching up on housework or taking a nap. :) Things should be calming down a bit for us in August and we are hoping to have more family time and enjoy the rest of our summer!

All that to say, I am going to try and catch everyone up on what we have been doing the past few months, starting with William's 2nd birthday that happened at the end of May. We had a fun family party for our little man with both sets of grandparents, an aunt, an uncle, and a cousin (we missed Aunt Ruth and Uncle Nate!) a great aunt and uncle, and a great-grandpa. It was simple but perfect for our little 2 year old.

Blueberry birthday pancakes!

Trying out his new tricycle with Papa.

Dessert table.

William's second year in pictures.

Mommy helping William open presents. He did not have much interest in opening his own presents so Mommy did most of the opening.

Mommy and Daddy got William his own drum set for his birthday. He LOVED it and immediately gave everyone a special concert. I think he will be taking after his Daddy!

Ricky and Great -Grampa Jim.

Cake time!

Mmmm! Chocolate chip cupcakes with peanut butter frosting!

Since William and Daddy have birthdays a day a part, we also made cupcakes for Daddy and sang to him.

Grandma, cousin, and auntie.

Playing piano with Mama (Grandma) and Papa. Maybe he'll take up piano too? Mommy can hope!

Happy birthday to our precious boy! We love you!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Easter 2011

We spent Easter in Northern California with my family and had such a wonderful weekend! On Saturday we went to the annual Easter egg hunt at the Lang Twins Winery. William participated in his first Easter egg hunt and had so much fun. There were also bubbles, cookie decorating, bouncy balls, and an Easter bunny for all of the kids. William had a blast! For the adults there was wine tasting so Mommy and Daddy had fun too. :) Easter day held church, a wonderful meal with family, and a warm Central Valley Spring day. It was great to see our California family and I am already looking forward to our next visit. Here are some pics of our weekend. There are quite a few but, in total, I took about 300 pictures so I had to try and choose the highlights. Here is what I came up with. Enjoy!

The long drive down to California. William did great considering he was in his carseat for 8 plus hours. We watched lots of Elmo, sang lots of songs, and ate lots of "nacks." Here he is drinking his morning cup of coffee. We start them young at the Newtons. :) (Don't worry, the cup is empty. We don't really give our 2 year old caffeine. Think we're THAT crazy?)

Watching Papa clean the patio. I loved the high tops with PJ's look he had going.

My beautiful sister and Momma!

William LOVES his Grandma and I am pretty sure that the feeling is mutual!

Excited for his first Easter egg hunt.

Found one!!

On a mission.

William with his cousins and the Easter bunny.

William loved the Easter bunny and was not afraid of him at all!

Playing with the bubbles. This was one of his favorite activities. It was fun and interesting to watch him interact with the other kids. He is not the outgoing one in the group but instead likes to sit back and watch. He is content to play on his own and will play with others only after he feels comfortable. Once he is, he will walk up to each child and say "Hi!" He has a very sweet and sensitive disposition and and I just love him!

Our dapper young lad in his Easter outfit.

My sista and me!

My family.

Love the Central Valley!

Playing with the "beeballs" (Easter eggs). For some reason he called them "beeballs" all weekend which usually means baseball or basketball.

Excited about what was inside.

We tried to spell out "2011" with eggs and take pictures with the kids by them. It was a nice thought but the reality of making this happen with kids under 5...maybe in a couple more years.

My Daddy and me.

All the cousins eating dinner. Mac and cheese after a long day hits the spot.