Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's a....

baby! :) Yesterday we went in for our 20 week ultrasound (I am techinically 19 weeks this week). It went well and the tech said that everything looked normal. He was very thorough and I felt like I as getting an anatomy lesson through the entire procedure. It was very interesting and it is a relief to know that the baby is growing normally and healthy. William came with and was interested for about half a second and then spent the rest of the time trying to get onto the bed with me or asking for more "nacks." I don't think he completely understands what is going to occur in his world in the next few months. :)

We decided to not find out the gender as we did with William. Ricky has always been adament that he does not want to know but I was on the fence with this pregnancy. The planner in me wanted to know but in the end I decided that I really enjoyed the surprise last time and I think it makes it more exciting (a little extra incentive to get through labor, right?). So we are all just going to have to wait another 4 1/2 months to find out who this little one is. I would love to hear what everyone thinks. Most everyone I know who is due around the same time I am is having a boy. Any guesses?

This pregnancy has been so different from my last one. More nausea, achiness, mood swings (my poor family), exhaustion, and hunger. All things I did not feel with William. I've heard people say that every pregnancy is different so I guess this is normal. It is a wonderful and amazing thing to be growing a life but this whole thing definately is not glamerous! I am starting to feel little kicks now which is my favorite part.

I apologize for the lack of pictures in this post. I know that it makes it a little less interesting. We don't have a scanner or access to one so I can't post any of the ultrasound pics. You'll just have to take my word for it that it is a baby and has all of it's appropriate parts. :)

Thank you all for your prayers and support. I will try to keep everyone updated with blog posts as often as I can. Right now I am going to try to squeeze in a nap before my little 2 year old bundle of energy decides to wake up. Oh, I think it is too late...


  1. yay! sorry you feel crummy. I feel your pain. and for the ultrasound, I just took a picture of the ultrasound, then posted my picture. Not that you have to do that, but that's an option if you want to share it. :)

  2. Congratulations Sarah! I didn't know you were pregnant!

  3. We enjoyed not finding out the gender during both of our pregnancies! I thought it WAS a great incentive to get through labor. How fun for all of us to look forward to lots of surprises with you!

    With Clara, I thought I was having a boy because both pregnancies were so similar. I felt the same and it seemed like I was carrying the same. It was a HUGE surprise to me when Andrew said, "Lisa, Lisa, we have a girl!"

    We will pray for a healthy little baby and will look forward to exciting news from the Newton family! We're excited for you guys.
